Friday, January 17, 2020

Nicky the big bully- by Dhriti V.

Image result for bully girl
Once, there lived a girl named Maya. She was 8 years old. She had a friend named Julie.

One day, Maya was playing with Julie. Just then, Nicky, an 8-year old bully, came by. Nicky said to Julie, “Julie, are you friends with Maya? I thought you aren't!” Julie asked Nicky if she was there to bully them. Nicky said yes and called Julie a baby. Julie began to cry. Maya said politely to Nicky that she shouldn't bully anyone. Nicky paused and said that she was only teasing, not bullying anyone. Maya explained how bullying was different from teasing.

Nicky realized her mistakes and promised never to bully anyone.

- By Dhriti Vadlamudi


  1. Super cute dhriti very nicely written

  2. Awesome, small Dhriti has grown very big...

  3. wow.that is so thoughtful proud of you. you've got pretty good writing skills. good job and keep up the good work.
