Sunday, November 1, 2020

Mystery of the missing chocolatier: by Rehaan

Once there was a chocolatier named Mr. Ballu, the bear who used to make yummy chocolates. Everyone in the jungle just loved his honey chocolates! He lived in the jungle in a beautiful house named Honey Loop, right by the edge of the river, with his wife Mrs. Ballu and their son, Junior Ballu. 

One day, a gang of monkeys came to Mr. Ballu’s shop to buy some chocolates, but Mr. Ballu did not let them have it because he knew that they were the ones who used to trouble him when he was young and still troubled everyone around them. No one in the jungle liked them and thought that monkeys were pure trouble! The next morning, Mr. Ballu went to get his special wild honey for the chocolates from his close friend, Mr. Bee, from whom he has been buying ever since he could remember. But that day was not like any other day! Mr. Ballu did not return home even past his usual dinner time. Mrs. Ballu started getting worried as in all these years he has never been so late. She then decided to wait till morning as sometimes the river would flow higher than usual making it difficult to cross. 

As soon as sunlight kissed the earth the next day, she called Mr. Ballu’s close friend, Detective Parinda, an Eagle. Parinda immediately visited the jungle and started asking around to get more information about anything unusual that happened in the last few days. After listening to everyone, Parinda had his doubts about the gang of Monkeys, but he still was not sure if they would be brave enough to do something like this- by “this” meant kidnapping Mr. Ballu.

Mrs. Ballu and Parinda along with all their friends started to search around the forest hoping to find Mr. Ballu or clues that could lead them to him. They called out his name in all directions hoping to hear a response. They tried their best to find him, but there was no sign of him. The next day, there was an envelope at Mrs. Ballu’s doorstep from the gang of monkeys. It read, “We saw Hiran taking Mr. Ballu to his old pastry shop.”  Since it was a message from the monkeys, Mrs.  Ballu was not sure, but still, she called Parinda and told him about it. Parinda sent his associate Chidiya to see if she could find anything unusual around the old pastry shop. But, nothing, nothing unusual at all.

Parinda decided to pay Hiran a visit to check for himself if the information was true. To Parinda’s surprise, Hiran started to spill the beans without much effort. It was Parinda’s stature and piercing eyes that made it work. Hiran said that he had locked up Mr. Ballu in the cave. He took him because he was jealous of everyone going to Mr. Ballu’s shop and reduced visits to his own bakery. With a bold face, Parinda went and unlocked Mr. Ballu who was in a shocked state. Parinda went to take Hiran to jail, but he had escaped by then fearing punishment.

Once Parinda got Mr. Ballu back home, he went in search of Hiran. Everybody told Parinda that they had seen Hiran running away from the jungle, so Parinda flew around the jungle but saw no traces of Hiran.

After 1 month, the gang of monkeys came to buy the honey chocolate. Mr. Ballu gave it because they had been good and helped in finding him. After a few months, Mr. Ballu got kidnapped again but this time, not by the monkeys nor by Hiran. Parinda assigned his team who were experts, but they also could not find Mr. Ballu. After a few days, they found out that the kidnapper gang’s name was Ware- jacks which was a group of cunning Jackals. Parinda and the team found their hideout. It was the same cave where Hiran had kept Mr. Ballu.

Then Parinda got a thought, “Hiran left the forest, but he has left a team of jackals to work for him here, but why?

Written by:


(For StoryWritingCompetition)




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