Monday, April 20, 2020

Maggi mummy- by Advait

One day, my mom was not home during lunchtime. It was up to me to make lunch [for basically me]. I only knew how to make Maggi. So, I took the packet of Maggi and added a little change to the recipe. I added cubes of cheese and bell pepper and some…extra mood masala [my favorite ingredient from Yippee].

In the end, when everything was perfect, the pan started shaking like crazy. I opened the lid and ran. For a while, nothing happened. Then suddenly all the Maggi flew out of the pan and fell down. I got so mad; I went to kick the Maggi. At that instant, it caught my legs and threw me at the fridge. I got up to see it had become a noodle mummy. I banged it on its head with the lid of the pan but the head just flattened and became round again. I ran and hid behind the cupboard. My dog, Maggi, came running towards me. I remembered that we had named him Maggi after his favorite food Maggi. So, I told him, "Maggi is waiting for you there." He went running at his full speed. He came back with a flattened and bitten leg of the noodle mummy.

I got an idea, and I went speeding to the kitchen. I got a fork and we both ate the noodle mummy up. If I made it to eat it, I will kill it to eat it. I kind of felt like a cannibal as I ate a person. But then I removed it from my mind.

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