Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Dark Forest: By Vaibhav

Mack Needle and Tom Hills were classmates at Bloom’s Academy. While watching a haunted show on television, Mack got inspired and told his friend Tom about visiting scary places. Tom was initially hesitant, but Mack convinced him saying they could become popular in their town. They started to search for possible scary places to visit and found a forest close to the Crimson Hills. Many news articles read that people who had visited that forest hadn’t come back.

Mack and Tom were both excited and nervous about the trip. They had not informed their parents and wanted to venture out on this trip by themselves. They packed the essential items such as water, snacks, torches, cameras, and helmets.

The next morning, they began traveling to the forest by bike. Mack decided to call it ‘The Dark Forest’. On reaching The Dark Forest, Mack started the video recording. Both of them were exploring the forest when they heard strange noises. Tom quickly looked around but saw nothing. They continued walking and saw a bridge that appeared very old.

Firstly, they tested the bridge by throwing some rocks. It broke one of the planks on the bridge. Since the bridge broke, they were forced to walk across the water stream. After a few minutes, they heard a deafening sound. Both of them were shocked to see that the bridge had disappeared. Mack immediately checked the video recording of them crossing the bridge, but the file had become corrupted. Tom got tensed and started scolding Mack as things were getting super weird!

Mack managed to convince Tom again, and they continued walking until they reached a village. They saw many humanoid-looking creatures walking around the village. Within a few minutes, one of the humanoid creatures started chasing them. They started to run towards their bike. Mack and Tom managed to get onto their bikes and sped away at lightning speed.

After reaching home, Mack learned from the news channel that many strange humanoid-looking creatures had been found near the Crimson Hills. Mack considered himself lucky to have escaped those strange creatures. He was extremely tired and went to bed. When he woke up the next morning, his mother was scolding him for watching stupid horror shows in the night. Mack realized that whatever he had experienced was a dream!!!


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  1. Well done Vaibhav. Nicely narrated

  2. Great valid imagination Vaibhav. Wish many more. Best wishes

  3. Nicely written Vaibhav.continue your writings All the best

  4. Hi vaibhav. it's really a good start for your writing style.
    Very good imagination and creativity.
    Keep doing this with more varities.
    Best wishes.
    Latha Nanda Kumar

  5. Amazing Vaibhav. That was really wonderful

  6. Very good imagination and well written.Cam make short play

  7. Good one Vaibhav�� Keep it coming!!��

  8. Well done Vaibhav.keep up the good work.

    Lalitha CS

  9. It was very interesting. Keep it up.

    Girija CS
