Friday, May 26, 2017

Mango milkshake party- by Harsha Shaji

On one extremely hot day, I was watching T.V at home. I was alone. I was sweating so badly that the sofa had become wet.

I ran to the kitchen to get some ice cream from the freezer. Unfortunately there was no ice cream. An idea popped up in my mind. I decided to make an ice cold mango milkshake!

The first thing I needed was milk. I started looking for milk in the nearest cupboard. But I couldn't find it there. Then I started looking for it in other cupboards. It wasn't there. I searched for it everywhere in the house but it was nowhere to be found. Then it occurred to me that milk was stored in the fridge so as not to get spoilt. Silly me!

So milk was there. I needed two ripe mangoes. I got them and peeled them. I chopped them and popped the cubes into the blender. I poured some milk and a spoonful of sugar. As I switched on the blender it vibrated. I started vibrating like it too. I switched it off, as my mango milkshake was ready.

I got a tumbler for the shake. Suddenly the doorbell rang. I ran to the door. I opened it and saw my three best friends standing there! I welcomed them in. I had a brilliant idea again. “How about a milkshake party?”, I asked my friends. They all agreed. We all made some more mango milkshake. We added ice too.

We started drinking the delicious mango milkshake. We had a good mango milkshake party.

Soon, my parents returned. They found out that all the milk was over. I made it up to them by giving them my delicious mango milkshake.
                                             Image result for mango milkshake

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