Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Akbar cooked Maggie with Birbal: By Bhargav


One day, Akbar was walking through his garden in the royal palace. He saw something glowing near a tree and he walked closer to it. It was a Maggi packet and wondered how it got there. But he could not find out. He decided to cook it. When he went to the kitchen, he realized that he did not know how to make it. Looking at the back of the cover, he saw that it had instructions. He started cooking with the instructions.
He took a kadai and poured oil in it. He sliced onions and started to cry! Birbal walked into the kitchen and asked Akbar why he was crying. Akbar asked Birbal to stop talking and cut tomatoes and capsicum. Akbar added all the cut vegetables to the kadai. Now, Akbar asked Birbal to give him red color powder. Birbal gave him the red powder. Akbar added water to boil in the kadai. He added the Maggi noodles and cooked it.
Once it was ready, they ate it. As soon as Akbar put it in his mouth, he spat it out. He said, “It tastes like mud, Birbal.” Then he asked Birbal what powder he gave him for the masala. Birbal said, “I gave you the red powder that is here” and showed the bottle to Akbar. “You fool! I asked you for chilli powder but you gave me brick powder. No wonder the Maggi tastes like mud.”, said Akbar.
Akbar muttered, “Enjoy your Maggi, Birbal, and make sure you learn the right recipe for next time.”

Written by:
Bhargav Srikanth

11 days in a time machine: A chapter book by Shaurya

The Physics of Time Travel - Searching for X
Chapter 1: The Time Machine
Chapter 2: The Creation of Earth
Chapter 3 – The Jurassic World
Chapter 4 - The Mummy’s Tomb
Chapter 5 – The Mayan Culture
Chapter 6- The Muslim Invasion
Chapter 7- The Bloody War
Chapter 8 - Back to Base

Chapter 1: The Time Machine
This year, our term-end pajama party was scheduled on 14thApril. We had been looking forward to it. Fortunately, all my best friends were with me in the pajama party group: Shantanu, Navneeth, and Aryan. In the beginning, the entire group was made to play lots of outdoor games. It was great and we were all having a great time.
Suddenly, during one of the games, near the basketball court, Navneeth noticed that there was an object with some blinking lights. Since we couldn’t leave the team activity, we decided to get back to investigate later. All of us finished our dinner fast and sneaked out with our torches. We all gathered around the blinking object – it was a shoe-shaped object with red, green and yellow lights. We were curious and bewildered!
Curious Shantanu pressed a red button. Shantanu giggled mischievously and said, “Dude, let’s have some fun!” and in the blink of an eye, we were in the cosmos. “Oh my god! It is a time machine. Let’s go to the early-man era!” I said excitedly.  The others exclaimed. Almost in a minute, we landed with a loud thud!!! But where? Where were we?
Chapter 2: The Creation of Earth
“Looks like we are in the middle of nowhere.”, Shantanu said. Suddenly, we saw a prodigious figure. “Run, it is a leviathan!” I exclaimed. We all headed to the time machine as fast as we could. When we were about to go back to the time machine, the monster roared, “Where are you going? Don’t you want to meet me?” “No! You are a leviathan!” we all said in unison. The monster looked vexed and said, “Leviathan? I am the God of Thunder! What are you four doing here?” We were taken aback. “Uh, nothing.” we replied.
The God of Thunder seemed irritated by our presence but can’t say the same for us. We were just relieved to hear that he wasn’t a monster. We wanted to tag along with him. “Where are you going? Can we come with you?” we asked.  He replied “No! I am busy creating the Earth right now!” We looked at each other in disbelief.
I asked the God of Thunder, “Are there any men on the Earth?” “No, not yet. We are just making plants and micro-organisms.”, he responded. And there, we were left alone with the God of Thunder on his way. All of us decided to head back to our time machine. The next stop turned out to be a place with some of the world’s most precarious creatures! 
Chapter 3 – The Jurassic World
We saw a huge shadow and wondered what it was. Navneeth reckoned that they were dinosaurs. He told us that dinosaurs had lived between 243 and 233.23 million ago. “Wow! You know a lot about dinosaurs” I said. Feeling chuffed with himself, he giggled like a Cheshire cat!
“The dinosaurs first appeared in the Triassic Period. They were reptiles. They could be divided into avian and non-avian.” said Aryan. While we were busy gossiping, I spotted a Triceratops that looked unsteady. I gathered some courage and petted it against the advice of my friends. The moment I looked up I saw a T-rex started coming menacingly towards us.   
We ran for our lives. But the T-Rex had halted. We wondered what happened. I told my friends, “Guys look there. The triceratops is tackling the T-rex.” ‘My’ triceratops was giving the T-Rex a run for his money! “It is buying us time, run!”, said Shantanu. We ran back to the time machine and wished to go to a place where humans were there.
Chapter 4 - The Mummy’s Tomb
We landed right in front of the wondrous and incredible pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Shantanu said, “The pyramid of Giza is also known as Pyramid of Khufu and the Pyramid of Cheops.” We went further and, to our amazement, saw some humans.
They all seemed to be worshipping. But whom? We were perplexed. We asked one of the Egyptians to tell us what they were doing. He told that it was the fiesta of Amun. We all wondered who Amun was.
Another Egyptian walked towards us. He explained, “Amun is the Egyptian God of sun and air. We all are praying to him and offering him food.” After this explanation, we carried on in the desert and saw some mummies. One of them got up and started chasing us. Luckily, the time machine was near. We grabbed it and rapidly closed the door. It was a great escape.      
Chapter 5 – The Mayan Culture
The next stop turned out to be the Mayan civilization. Shantanu said, “This is great; we have reached South America.” The Mayan civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization developed by the Maya people. It occupied a wide territory that included Southern Mexico and America.
“Whoa!” exclaimed Navneeth. We were standing in front of Tikal's main plaza, which was similar to the pyramids in Egypt. Nearby, we saw some people playing what looked like a team game. Boy, was it a fast game! We approached a group of elders, but they didn’t speak our language. Thankfully, Aryan had some experience in sign language and managed to communicate with them.

“What are they saying?”, asked an eager Shantanu. Aryan started explaining, “They are playing a game called Poc-a-Toc. Two teams of seven players each try to score a small rubber ball through a vertical hoop affixed to a wall while defending their own goal. And as you can see, they can only use their hips, shoulders, head, and knees.” “Wow! This sounds like a combination of our football and basketball. We should also try this version!”, I said, and we all laughed while heading back to the time machine.
Chapter 6- The Muslim Invasion
We landed in a scene of fights and wars! All of us were dumbfounded. Shantanu said, “This looks like the Muslim invasion.” “Yeah, the early Muslim conquests are also referred to as the Arab conquests and began with the Islamic Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century, as early as 622 AD.”, I added. Navneeth said “Of course, what did you expect? It was in 2020?” We all had a hearty laugh.
The resulting empire stretched from the borders of China and the Indian subcontinent, across the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, the Caucasus and parts of Europe. “They took up so much land and fought so many wars.”, said Shantanu. “They were so mighty!”, said Aryan. “Imagine how rich they must be!”, I exclaimed. Shantanu started daydreaming about owning gold and being an emperor until we snapped him out of it.
In Arabia, swords from India were greatly valued as they were made of the finest steel, and were the favorite weapons of the Mujahideen. Navneeth was extremely silent and looked afraid. He started talking about the impact of war on nature and humanity and cited the various wars of the world. That reminded me of WW-II. “Let’s go to the 1930s. Who is with me?”, I asked. Everyone exclaimed, “Yeah, that is a great idea!” And with that plan, we went towards the time machine.
Chapter 7- The Bloody War
Now, we were transported to the late 1930s. The world was about to suffer from the aftermath of WW-II. There was bloodbath everywhere, and we could see malnourished women, children, and fatigued soldiers. Shantanu asked me to tell about WW-II, as he knew that I had studied the event in great detail. “Hitler attacked Poland, and the Second World War started on 1 Sep 1939. During WW-I the Allies had defended France for 4 years. This time, it lasted only 4 weeks.” I said. “Oh no! this is not making me feel good.”, said Navneeth. I said, “Come on! It’s history, and there is so much that we can learn about human nature from this. These serve as lessons for the future.”, I replied.
“I want to hear about it.”, said Shantanu. “It was the deadliest conflict in history, marking more than 75-80 million fatalities. The Axis included Germany, Italy, and Japan. The Allies included British India, France, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa.”, I continued.  “Wow, there were so many allies!”, said Aryan.
I went on, “The Japanese jumped into the war with bombarding the Pearl Harbour where they bombarded the US troops without a warning. The US troops suffered many casualties. Then the U.S troops avenged them. The President of the U.S, Theodore Roosevelt, was sure to retaliate and he did. The Americans invented the Atom bomb and dropped it on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.” Aryan asked, “They named the atom bombs something like ‘Fat Boy’ and ‘Little man’, didn’t they?” “Exactly!”, I said,  “The one dropped on Nagasaki was way more powerful than the Little Boy. Hitler committed suicide on 30th April 1945. The Soviets continued the war for 3-4 months. It was finally over on 2nd Sep 1945.”, I concluded. “Oh please, can we go home now?”, asked a visibly distressed Navneeth. “Ok, ok…let’s go.”, I said. We all headed to the time machine to get back home.
Chapter 8 - Back to Base
On our way back, Shantanu asked, “Our parents must be very anxious that we were gone for 11 days.” I calmed him down, “True Shantanu, but what if we tell them the knowledge we learned?” “Yeah”, exclaimed everybody; now we felt confident enough to face our parents.
“Guys, bid your farewell to the machine.”, Aryan said. “Let’s keep the machine.”, said Navneeth. I told them that I could keep it. Everybody was fine with it. It was my duty to keep the time machine safe. Finally, we reached our apartment gate.
Our parents were discussing something with some police personnel at the gate. On seeing us they came running. They gave us the tightest hugs and asked, “Where were you? We have been so worried!” It took a while to calm them down, and then, one-by-one all of us recounted our marvelous adventures. They were spellbound. My mother said, “Let’s all take a trip to the early man era, Shaurya.”
And so, our next adventure was already underway!

Written by:
Shaurya Sinha

Edited by:
Aanchal Agrawal

A journey to the past: A chapter book by Bhargav

A journey to the past

Is Time Travel Possible, According To Science?

1.   Virus attack
2.   Meeting the gods
3.   A lucky escape
4.   Mummy land
5.   In a war!
6.   Next stop, Taj Mahal
7.   Hungry and sick children
8.   Home finally

Virus Attack

One day, our teacher gave us a class project. It had to do with learning about the dinosaurs.  After going home, I called my friend, Yashmith, over to my house. “Let’s read a storybook.” I said. Both of us picked a story about time travel. While reading the book, Yashmith got an idea. He said, “Hey! Why don’t we rent a machine that can time travel? We can go to the dinosaur age and learn about dinosaurs.” I said, “It’s a great idea. Let’s do it.” We went to a store that sold clocks and rented a time machine.
The machine had a compartment with controls and a cabin for three people to stand or sit inside. It also had a clock that showed the time. I had my computer with me. I connected it to the controls. We came up with a code to set the eras into the machine. After we were done with the coding, my mum called us for dinner. Yashmith was excited to see pasta in the bowl, as he was very hungry. I gobbled up my food too because I was impatient to test the code. Since it was late, we decided to go to bed and run the test the next morning.
Yashmith woke me up early the next morning to run the test. While the test was running in the background, we played a computer game. But the computer had a virus that I was not aware of. The test ran smoothly and was a success; however, the virus got transferred into the time machine. I placed our bags in the cabin and called Yashmith to come inside.  Once both of us were settled inside, we clicked on the key that read 'Dinosaur' and waited. The clock started to turn and at the strike of 12:00, we heard a 'DING!' and were transported to a different place.
Meeting the gods
The machine spun around while we both sat in the cabin looking at each other. “I am starting to feel uncomfortable about this whole thing and whether our machine will work well”, said Yashmith. “Come on bro, the test result was positive, so there is nothing wrong with our machine. You shouldn’t be worried about this”, I said. It took us one whole day, and we finally landed. We felt relieved to be back on the ground and ran out of the cabin to get some fresh air. There was not a single soul to be seen in the open vast land. We noticed some creatures moving at a distance. They looked like humans. Yashmith said, “This doesn’t feel right! No humans existed during the dinosaur era.”

We continued walking, and buildings started to appear on either side. They were not small buildings like what we usually see in the city. Bright colors similar to gold reflected from many of these buildings. Guards stood at the gates. It felt like we were surrounded by palaces. As we tried to enter one of the palaces, a guard shouted “You there! What are you doing here and who are you? This is a palace of Lord Brahma; it is not a place for children to loiter. Follow me I’ll take you inside.” We walked silently behind the guard who took us through a long hallway and into the courtroom. The courtroom was filled with hymns being recited by a few scholars. Brahma was working on a round blue ball that looked like the earth. He was creating human beings.

The guard introduced us to Brahma and left. Both of us bowed and told him that we were time travelers and had come to study the dinosaurs. “This is a palace and we are creating the universe. There aren’t any such things as dinosaurs here. You must be mistaken”, said Brahma. We then realized that we were not in the dinosaur era. Our machine had malfunctioned and brought us here. We asked the Gods to help us fix our time machine. It took them just a few seconds to fix it. The Gods made us promise that we returned straight home after we complete our travel to see the dinosaurs. Yashmith and I thanked the Gods and got into our time machine. We clicked on the ‘Dinosaur’ key and kept our fingers crossed.

A lucky escape

Once we stepped out of the time machine, we saw that we were in a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains. Yashmith and I were very thirsty. We tried to find a place to drink water and went into the forest. There we found a river that was full of crystal clear water. There were stones to sit on and beautiful flowers on the trees.  We eagerly drank the water to our heart's content. Lying down on the stones, we played tic-tac-toe in the paper that we had brought.

After we finished playing one round of tic-tac-toe we started jumping on the stones. Then the stones started vibrating like mad which terrified us. We jumped off the stones and when we got up, we were even more terrified to see a huge mother dinosaur looking at the stones that were cracking open.  They were not stones but eggs! “Oh God, these are not stones but eggs. Let’s get out of here!”, screamed Yashmith over the roar of the dinosaur. When the mother dinosaur saw us, she grabbed us with her claws and threw us into the river. She took the eggs with her and went away.

We swam to the shore and ran back into the cabin petrified. But both of us vomited all the water we had drank on the controls. Sparks flew out of the controls and we heard a crackling noise.  I said, “Let’s hope the time machine works properly and takes us home.” We clicked on the key that read ‘Home’. At the stroke of 12, we heard a ‘DONG!’ The time machine started to spin and spin. Finally, it landed somewhere.  “I hope we are home and not anywhere else.”, said Yashmith.

Mummy Land

We heard a loud 'THUD’, and it felt like we had landed. As I walked out of the exit door, I slipped. I heard Yashmith yelling, “Are you fine?” “Yeah, I am fine. I slipped because there is a pile of bandages underneath the machine! Come out and see for yourself.” I said. Yashmith came out, saw, and screamed, “That is not a pile of bandages but a mummy!”  I said, “Let’s move the time machine somewhere else.” But when we tried to lift the time machine, we accidentally stepped on something. It was dark, and we could not see very well. Yashmith showed the torch around. It was a mummy! We were exhausted and needed some food. So I said, “Let’s go search for food. I am tired and hungry.”

It was very scary, smelly, and dark. We kept hopping across many mummies now and at the same time searching for food. We went into tunnels after tunnels but could not find any food. Finally, we realized that we were inside a pyramid! It seemed completely filled with mummies and tunnels with lots of escape routes. We tried going out the escape routes but could not because of many spider webs. “Fear fills my mind, and I wish to return to the safety of my home.” said Yashmith falling down in exhaustion.

We both started dreaming about the yummy food our mummies (not the mummies covered in bandages) would be making at home. “I like pasta.” Yashmith said, and “I like pizza.” I said. Then, we started discussing different kinds of food. We did not realize that the place we were sitting in was swarming with insects. The creepy crawlies started crawling on us and biting us! We felt helpless and walked back depressed to the time machine. I hit the key ‘Home’ and really hoped that we would go home this time.

In A War

The machine started to spin and spin. We hoped it would take us home this time. Once we landed, I was relieved to find myself in a street full of houses. It had been 10 days since we had started time traveling, and Yashmith was eager to go back to his house. Just as he stepped out, he said, “I have never seen this street before. We must have landed on an adjacent street to our homes. Let’s walk around and find our houses.” So we started walking and realized that the people looked unique and their houses looked very different. This was not where we lived. We were still very hungry, tired, and missed our families. We saw a girl looking for something in front of one of the houses. Walking up to her, Yashmith asked, “What is your name and what are you doing? Have you lost something?” The girl replied, “My name is Bobitha and I am looking for my lost toy.” All of us together searched for her toy and found it near a tree. Bobitha thanked us for helping her and invited us inside to her house.

Her parents welcomed us to their house. There were many brightly lit lanterns hanging from the roof. Bobitha sat on a swing close to us, and we started chatting. It felt like we knew each other well. Her grandmother was sitting on a bed that was made of straw and reciting something. We could not understand the language she was speaking in. It was time for dinner. Bobitha’s mother asked us to join them to eat. We gladly accepted the invitation and thought in our minds that we finally had food to eat. We ate together on the floor. Suddenly there was a gust of wind and the lanterns blew out. BOOM BOOM BOOM BANG! We heard gunshots approaching us. All of us were scared. Bobitha’s father thought we were under attack by the Spanish.

We hurried through the back door and could hear screams and cries of young children. Every street we ran to, we could hear the soldiers marching and shouting. Yashmith spotted a dry well covered by grass. It looked normal, just like the land from the top. So we jumped into the well and covered the top back with grass. Bobitha’s family and few of their neighbors along with us sat quietly inside the well. I accidentally knocked onto a stone in the wall and this led us to a secret door. Bobitha pushed the door open, and we all saw a long tunnel ahead of us. We started walking into the tunnel and were wondering where it would lead us. I was the first to find out that it ended on the outside of the whole town, far away from the soldiers. We had had enough adventures and decided to leave. Thankfully the time machine was visible from the tunnel. We thanked them and left.     

Next stop Taj Mahal
I was still dreaming about the gunshots, walking through the tunnel when the machine stopped. There was a lot of banging and hitting noise coming from outside. We stepped out, and it seemed like we had landed in a construction zone. A huge white mosque-like structure was visible in front of us. A loud trumpeting sound echoed in our ear. There was something behind us. Yashmith and I were startled and were pushed out of the way. An elephant was standing right behind us, and a boy named Ali had pushed us to safety. Apparently, elephants were being used to carry materials for construction. Ali told us that we should not stand here for too long, as it obstructed the elephants from moving around.
Ali was going to meet his friends near the river and asked us if we wanted to join him. We followed him to the river and saw many types of different birds, flowers, and gardens on our way. It was very beautiful and peaceful near the river, unlike the construction site. His friends were waiting on the riverbank near a boat. It was a long beautiful boat with two huge sails, and it belonged to Ali. The boat was named ‘The Milestone’. The letters were made of gold, and they were shining. All of us got on the boat and started to sail in the river. Ali’s friend told us that the river’s name was Yamuna. One of the boys was feeling the water with his hands when something hard and rough touched him.
“Crocodile!”, yelled Yashmith. There were many of them and were circling below our boat.  Another boat was coming behind us. We shouted loudly and warned them of coming near the crocodiles.  Ali turned the sails in the direction of the wind so that the boat could pick up speed. We started moving fast and the crocodiles could not catch up with our speed. We were finally away from the crocodile zone. It was dark by the time we parked and got out of the boat.  Ali asked us to sleep at his house that night. The next morning, we bid goodbye and walked back to our time machine. The elephants were still around, and we carefully got into the machine without obstructing any of the elephants this time.

Hungry and sick children

Soon we fell asleep. I was dreaming about the crocodiles and the boat when I heard Yashmith laughing. I woke up and realized that he was also sleeping. I shook him and asked, “Why are you laughing? You gave me a shock.” Yashmith said, “Something was tickling my leg, and I could not stop laughing.” We looked around but did not find anything. The machine had stopped, and we heard bullets hitting it. We stayed inside until the sound reduced. There were a lot of dead bodies and blood around us. A small boy was crying loudly next to the time machine. I asked him, “What is happening here? Why are you crying?” He said, “I lost my parents in the fight yesterday, and I have nowhere to go.”

A grenade blasted in the distance, and there was a lot of smoke. We started to cough. A soldier came towards us and warned us not to stand here. He pointed to a refugee camp close by and asked us to take shelter there. Walking around, we saw a lot of broken glasses, damaged buildings, and injured people. The boy spotted a gate and ran towards it. We followed him thinking that this should be the campsite. It was night, and the place was dimly lit. We could not see very clearly. People were sleeping in tents. A man saw us and enquired why we were there. The boy said he had lost his home and family. He had no place to go. The man asked the boy to drink some water and showed him to a cot where he could rest for the night.

We were happy the boy was able to find a place to sleep.  Seeing all this did not make us feel good. We wanted to get back inside the time machine as fast as we could. Yashmith and I started running. We had forgotten where the machine had landed. We spotted a broken building with its roof still intact. A light was flickering inside the building. Yashmith and I slept inside the broken building that night. Once the sun was up the next morning, we started to search for the time machine. There was a homing beacon inside the machine. The watch that I was wearing started to glow which meant that the machine was somewhere close by. I turned around and spotted the machine behind me. We ran and got into the machine and left. “May we go home.” prayed Yashmith silently.

Home finally

The machine landed on the roof of a building. The colors around us seemed familiar. We had to use a ladder to come out of the machine. Somebody had tied a clothesline on the roof, and there were some dresses hanging from it. I recognized my favorite red shirt and was now certain that we had landed on the roof of my house. “Home sweet home!”, I cried. We were so relieved and excited to be back. I ran down the stairs and went into my room. Yashmith went back to his house. That night, we slept very well. The next morning Yashmith came back to my house and reminded me of the school project that we had completely forgotten about.

While working on the project, we chatted about all the places we had gone to. I told my mother about how we ran into mummies and about my friend Bobitha. Hearing the name Bobitha she said, “This name sounds familiar. Your great-grandaunt from centuries ago, during the Spanish invasion, also had the same name.” Yashmith thought maybe it was the same person that we met. The next day at school, we told all our friends about the time travel and how the machine had gotten this weird virus, which made us go places. My other friend Vedith said, “Why don’t you fix the virus in the machine? Maybe we could all time-travel again once it is working properly.”

That evening Yashmith came back to my house, and we started to figure out how to get the virus out of this machine. We tried the anti-virus program, but it did not work. Suddenly, I remembered a computer scientist who had taught me some programming in a class. Yashmith got really excited and said, “Let’s go to her house now. We will ask her to help us fix the machine!” But that is a story for another time!

Written by:
Bhargav Srikanth
Edited by:
Aanchal Agrawal

A journey to the wars: chapter book by Anirudh Sanjeev

 A journey to the wars

Table of contents:

1)The timeless time machine
2)The first immortals
3)T-Rex eggs
4)The mummy chase
5)The destruction of the Mayans.
6)Another religion enters India
7)Finally-“The War”
8)Journey back home

The  Timeless Time Machine:-

My friend, Aakash, and I decided to go to a movie. The movie being a science fiction movie was based on time traveling to the World Wars. We were inspired by the movie concept, so we decided to build our own time machine. To build a time machine was not a piece of cake, so we being children of 13 years could not build it on our own. Decided to go to a renowned inventor, we set out to go to Thomas Edison. He had invented many key features that we wanted In our time machine.

After reaching Edison’s house, our minds started to have second thoughts about seeing a world-renowned inventor and asking him to build a thing that no one has ever done before. Gathering courage, we rang the doorbell. An old man opened the door. We asked him if we could meet Thomas Alva Edison. He told us that we were looking at him. We acknowledged him then stated our reason for concerning him. He seemed rather keen on doing the task. He told us that he would start working on it at that very minute. We waited for some time and then asked him if he wanted any help. He did not reply. We thought he did not want any help. The next day, we went to his house again. At that time he was sleeping because he had worked all night. We thought that we could use It without his permission. What we did not know was that the machine was not yet complete. We sat in the time machine and pressed the button which we thought would take us to the past. Then, we entered the time zone we wanted to go to. The time machine started making a weird noise, and it randomly jumped. A thought of apprehension ran through our minds, so we closed our eyes.

When we opened our eyes, we were surprised to see ourselves floating In the atmosphere of a newly formed earth. ‘Aakash’ was written above Aakash’s head. It was actually his name. By seeing that I thought that Anirudh should be written on my head because that was my name. We tried to land on the ground. After using a lot of energy, we finally landed on the ground only to see the time machine already there on the ground nearby. Speaking of the ground, it was completely barren.

The  First  Immortals:-

Since the ground was barren, we could see great distances. We saw a few people at a far distance. Aakash said we had to go to the people to know where we were. The ground was barren. This gave the impression of a war that has just cooled down. So, I thought we actually succeeded In going to the time of the World War. That impression was, however, short-lived.

While we were walking towards the distant people,  we noticed ourselves going into a weird type of wall. It was semi-solid. As soon as we crossed the wall, we noticed so much greenery. We were overwhelmed. After calming down, we moved towards the far off people. Finally, after twenty long minutes, we reached the people. They asked us who we were and how we came to the land. We introduced ourselves not knowing where we were and asked them who they were. They did not reply to our question but talked freely about other things. They gave us food and water for many days so that we could manage our hunger and thirst. When we brought the question of their Identities once again, they reluctantly gave their identities. They told us that they were gods, that they were immortals. Aakash and I were so shocked that we fainted. When we regained consciousness, we took to our heels.

The semi-solid wall had let us in easily but was not giving in to let us go out. We tried hard, yet it did not give in. When we saw the so-called gods coming near, we crashed into the wall like logs of wood crashing to the enemy’s barrier. The wall finally gave in out of pity. The time machine was still far away. The gods were really near now. They caught up and, to our great surprise, asked for forgiveness for overwhelming us. We didn’t stop to listen to their apologies. We rushed back to the time machine hoping to go to the age of the World War.

T-Rex Eggs:-
Once again, the time machine made a weird noise and suddenly jumped. This time, we were really worried because the last time it did that thing; it did land somewhere we definitely did not want to go to. We closed our eyes and waited for it to land. Thankfully, this time we were not floating in the air but were still sitting in the time machine. The surrounding area was really dark. When we looked up, we noticed a dense growth of trees.

The trees’ branches were so widespread that literally, no sunlight was penetrating it. We walked for some distance hoping to find someone to ask which era we were in. Getting exhausted by the humid climate, we sat down on something which we thought were rocks. They weren’t actually rocks. They were T-Rex’s eggs. As soon as we sat on them, they broke or maybe hatched. The baby T-Rex thought we were its food and started running after us. We hid behind some trees surrounded by bushes and hoped we could escape the baby T-Rex. It was soon dark and we were not any closer to the time machine. We decided to hit the sack that night and looked for the time machine the first thing in the morning. By that time, the mother   T-Rex had found out that its egg had hatched. The next day we were woken by some liquid being dropped on our faces. At first, I thought it was all a dream and that I was being woken up by someone in my house.

It was the saliva of a T-Rex who was looking for food. It was a perfect storm. We got up and ran as we were soon going to be the food for the T-Rex. We ran for our lives and saw the time machine a little far away. I got in first and waited till Aakash got in. Then, I started the machine without waiting for him to sit down and entered some random time coordinates.

The Mummy Chase:-

Aakash was almost thrown out of the time machine. He was holding the bars of the time machine and was screaming for help. I was shocked, so I landed the time machine in the time zone we were floating over. When we landed, Aakash started talking about loyalty and was in a bad mood for some time. I gave him the cold shoulder until he calmed down. The climate was extremely hot. When we looked around we noticed a lot of sand around us. We were after all in the middle of a desert country.

Behind us was a big pyramid structure. We noticed some people coming our way and decided to ask them which pyramid we were near. When we asked the people, they replied that we were near the Pyramid of Giza. They also said It had just been built for the dead pharaoh of Egypt. We decided to go in and investigate the monument. We pondered if entering the pyramid in front of the Egyptian people was disrespectful to them. So, we waited till they were far away and then we slowly snuck into the pyramid. It was already late. So, we decided to call it a day and rest a little Inside the pyramid. But, inside the pyramid was like a maze. We slept without talking too much because Aakash was still in a bad mood. The next morning, I was woken up by the sound of footsteps walking up and down the hallway near the place where we were sleeping. Soon Aakash was also awake. Both of us froze at seeing the scene. The mummy of the previous pharaoh was lurking around the pathways of the pyramid. We thought why the mummy had come almost out of the pyramid.

Later we understood that the mummy now had psychic abilities, and we were brought to the middle of the pyramid. We were petrified to think about finding our way back to the time machine. This mummy now noticed that we were awake. It started walking towards us. We did not waste any time, and we ran not knowing which direction we were going. The mummy was right behind us. We found our way back to the time machine. Both of us did not know what to even say because we had done the impossible. Once again, I started the time machine. It made the same noise. I had, by then, lost all hopes.

Destruction of the Mayans:-

This time, when we were still landing, we could hear a lot of commotion from the surroundings. The people around us were screaming, and most of them were crying. As soon as we landed, we felt as if we had made a wrong decision of starting a mission like this. When the people saw us they calmed down a little and begged for some food.

We had no objection to providing some food because the gods had given us plenty of food. These people were grateful to us, and they were no longer crying. Till that time, we hadn’t even noticed the place around us. It was In total ruins. We asked the people why the area was in ruins. For both of us, they were speaking in cuckoo. They were speaking in a language we did not understand. Thankfully, we had a translator in the time machine. After bringing the translator, we asked them the question again. This time using the translator we understood that they were telling that the Mayan civilization’s end was near. They also said that some people were invading their prosperous civilization. At that exact time, some people who did not look like Mayans came our way. We ran to the time machine and stopped there.

When we looked back, those invaders had despotically killed all the inhabitants and were now coming towards us. We were shocked when we saw the dead bodies of the people we had just helped. We pulled ourselves together just In time. The invaders were very close to us now. Without wasting any time, we started the time machine and disappeared. Same sound. Now our last straws ran out.

Another Religion Enters India:-

The time machine was turning out to be a way to increase our blood pressure. We both were so angry because we had started on this mission to see the world wars but we were going everywhere other than there. This time, when we got out of the time machine, we saw that we were back in India. I assumed that we were back in our era. But it was not so. We were in India but we were some centuries behind our time.

This happened to be the time of the Muslims coming into India. We wanted to see what they were about to do, so we used the time machine and fast-forwarded the time around us. We were shocked to see that the people ruthlessly took anything which they thought was precious. We stopped fast-forwarding time and stepped out of the time machine. We were furious. We decided to follow them to their country and do the same thing that they had done to our country. Surprisingly, before going away, those people built impressive monuments in India. Luckily, we had the time machine with us, so we could fast forward the construction to see how the monument would be from the inside. After a few minutes, which meant that a few months had passed, they finished the construction of the colossal monument. They built many more monuments on their way back to their country.

The thought about raiding their country completely vanished when we saw the numerous monuments they had built. One more thing we found was that some of the people were staying back after each monument was built. We thought that they wanted to make India their new home. I think that was how the religion of Muslims came to India. Happily, we sat In the time machine and started it. Surprisingly, this time there was no sound.

Finally, ‘The War’:-

We were surprised and happy to find no sound this time. We thought it was better late than never to finally reach the place we actually wanted to go to. But, that happiness did not last for a long time. As soon as we landed, we noticed that the surrounding was stinking. When we looked around, we noticed a deadly scene. The whole surrounding was filled with dead bodies. We noticed that someone was crying at a distance.

Listening to the sound, we reached a small boy crying in front of the dead body of a man. Maybe, that was his father, we thought. We were sick of ourselves for even thinking about coming to a place like this. Then in our defense, I thought that when we saw the movie, there was no such scene where there was nothing but dead bodies lying till the eye could see. Coming back, I asked the boy in English where his mother was. The boy was probably was from Britain, as he could understand what I asked him. He replied that she had asked him to go look for his father wherever the war had been going on. She had also told him to bring him directly home if he was alive and to quickly return if he was dead, as she didn't want to lose the child too. The boy remembered what his mother had said, so he stopped crying, said goodbye to us and ran back home. Looking at the boy running back home, we too felt homesick and wanted to return home as soon as possible.

We went back the same way we had come from and found the time machine in the distance. I asked Aakash if he also wanted to go back home. He promptly replied that I could say that again. Hoping to go back to the correct place and the time when we started, I entered the time zone into the machine. The time machine did not make a sound again, so, crossing our fingers, we hoped to go back home.

 Journey Back Home:-

Our wish came true, and we were back in our time. Till this time, we had totally forgotten about Edison. He was still sleeping. When I looked at the clock, it was still the time when we had left. After a few minutes, Edison got up from his nap. He was surprised to see us. He told us that the time machine would take…. We did not let him complete the sentence and blurted out everything that had happened.

Now he was perplexed and he started blabbering that that was not possible, and we must have had slept off like him because we were exhilarated. Now, we knew that we had time traveled. We just wondered if we had actually come back to our time zone, or we were in some other time. Edison looked nervous and was behaving strangely. So, to make sure that we were awake, we slapped ourselves very hard. We screamed out in pain. This proved that we were really wide awake all the time and had done the time travel. Edison was still blabbering nonsense, so we quickly left that place so that he could not say anything else to us. While leaving, we told him that he could keep the time machine and that we did not want it anymore. We started back home puzzled. We decide to keep the time travel a secret so that no one else ended up like Edison.

On the way, we also had to come up with what we had to tell our parents since we could not tell them the truth. To that obstacle, we decided to tell them that Edison told us that we had lost our minds to even think how time travel was possible. We knew that the journey we had just gone on was very peculiar and unbelievable. We reached our houses, and from then onwards, we lived as though nothing like time travel had ever happened in our lives.