Monday, April 8, 2024

Horror story by Aria Acharya


Once upon a time, there lived a man in a village full of poor people. His name was Gentler. He was very rich but cruel to the people. His mother was a very rich merchant, and Gentler got spoiled in his growing years. She was the direct opposite of Gentler; she would always give out food to hungry people.

One day, Gentler asked, “Mother, why do you always give food to these peasants?” “Gentler!” shouted his mum, “do mind your words!” He got really angry. He even raised his hand and was about to hit his mother when God of hell appeared in front of him. He said, “Such a bad child! You deserve to be turned into a monster.” “NOOOO!!”  Gentler yelled as he saw his monster look. Scared of himself, he ran away. Deep in the forest, he found an abandoned house. He entered without knocking. That made the soul of this house very angry. It immediately shut itself and wrapped chains around Gentler. The soul started speaking in a deep voice, “YOU DARE ENTER MY HOUSE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION?! YOU SHALL SUFFER THE PAIN OF IMMORTALITY!!” The soul cast a spell on Gentler. At first, Gentler thought it was good, but throughout the years as he suffered from witnessing the death of the people, he begged the God of hell to take away his pain.

The God of hell agreed but on one condition. Gentler was ready to do anything. The God of hell said, “You first have to take a vow that you will do any task I give you.” Gentler quickly took the vow and asked what it was.

The God of hell grinned and said, “You have to murder your Mother.” 

Out of desperation, Gentler killed his mother and came back to God of hell. But then the God of hell said, “You fool! I was just using you, but now you are of no use to me, so I shall slaughter you!”

He laughed and slaughtered him.

Written by:
Aaria Acharya

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