Thursday, March 19, 2020

If I had a pet dinosaur- by Rishit

If I had a pet dinosaur, it would be a stegosaurus as I think it was one of the most useful dinosaurs. He would be about my size or a little bit taller than me, so I could ride him.
He would live inside my house and would sleep next to me on my bed. I would make sure that he was potty-trained as I would not like to be responsible for cleaning his feces.
He would be a herbivore from birth and we could give him palak or methi to eat every day.

Now, about school. My parents would save a lot of money because of him as I would ride him to school every day. I would disguise him as a man carrying me by painting him. At school, I would go to the principal’s office and ask him if he could allow my pet. If he said no, I would threaten to kill him. In the same way, I would threaten the teachers as well to not give me homework and not let me write exams. Also, I would play a lot of games with my pet dinosaur at home and in school during recess. If someone tried to bully me (mostly the higher grades), I would use him as a defense. I would also run races with him as he would run pretty fast. I would be able to improve my running speed with his help. I would train him to be like me - kind and not short-tempered.

Most importantly, he and I would be very rich and famous. We would be on TV shows. There would be movies on us. We would be known all around the globe. He could also keep me safe from diseases. He would save me from the people who were jealous of me and who wanted to send assassins to kill me. Overall, he would be a great friend of mine and also very useful to me.

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