Monday, February 26, 2018

Witch Pasta? - By Advait

One day my sister and I were alone at home and our tummies were rumbling. When we were thinking that nothing would happen till our mom came back home, my sister got an idea, “Why don’t we try the pasta recipe we got from Confident living?” When I asked her “which recipe” she understood it as “WITCH recipe”!        “Wow, that’s a great idea”, she said. “Let’s dress up as witch and wizard and work on it”.

My sister and I dressed up fast and started collecting the ingredients. We picked up a giant pot, which looked like a chamber. When the water started to boil, we added the pasta pieces one by one.  The pasta looked to us like the remains of a skeleton! Then we put a big pan on the fire and added a big chunk of butter...into it went all the cubed veggies. Tossed them in the pan as though they we were frying beetles & worms. Then let the veggies swam in the white potion (milk & cornflour). Added the half cooked skeleton pieces, some mayonnaise and shredded cheese. Mixed it with a spatula and chanted “ABRA CA DABRA”. The magic worked & the Witch pasta was ready. After all the fun cooking the pasta, we setup the table and sat down to eat. When we started eating, we laughed at each other because we were turning green. It also seemed like we were puffing up into a balloon! We inflated so much that our backs touched the ceiling. We were stuck for an hour till our mom came home. We saw our mom run around for a safety pin trying to deflate and turn us back to normal. But before she could do anything, I screamed and realized that it was a nightmare!After this scary afternoon nap, I went to have lunch and saw that it was pasta that my mother had prepared for us. As my mother served it to me, I got up and fled before I inflated and got popped with a pin!             


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