Monday, April 16, 2018

The Kiwi War- By Tejasvi

Once upon a time, in a far away place, there was a king, Roopsingh and his queen Roopmati. They both liked Kiwi Vanilla Lassi.

One day, Raja Roopsingh sent his royal servants to bring kiwis. They bought lots of kiwis for their king. On their way back, the royal servants were attacked by another king Saajsingh, who killed all the servant but one and took away all the kiwis.

That royal servant returned to the palace and told what happened. Raja Roopsingh got angry and attacked Raja Saajsingh. Raja Roopsingh won the war and more importantly, he got his kiwis back.

But Raja Roopsingh couldn't have the Kiwi Vanilla Lassi immediately as the kiwis were not ripe yet. They all waited for the kiwis to ripe.

When the kiwis were ripe enough, Raja Roopsingh faced another challenge. The royal cooks didn't know how to make Kiwi Vanilla Lassi. King knew the recipe, so he told them how to make it. He told them to combine kiwi, sugar and yoghurt in a blender. They blended the mixture at high speed to get it smooth. He told them to add vanilla ice-cream into the blender and blend again. They did that. Then he told them to add crushed ice into the blender and blend again. They did that. They poured the lassi into tall tumblers and garnished with some chopped kiwi pieces.

Now, one of the cooks was the son of Raja Saajsingh who had attacked the royal servants for kiwis. He wanted a revenge. He added poison to the lassi. 

Raja Roopsingh and Rani Roopmati drank lassi and died. Raja Saajsingh’s son took over the kingdom of Raja Roopsingh and became the new king.

(Note: Tejasvi was given the genre of historical fiction to write the recipe)

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