Saturday, April 8, 2017

Mythology: My take on them

We analysed mythological stories. The aim was to find out the subtle meanings of the stories and to see if there is some aspect from these old stories which is applicable even today.

Samay analysed the story of Krishna. 
Kansa killed many babies of Vasudev before Krishna was born. Many times the good has to suffer a lot to make things better. Krishna was such a naughty child and robbed butter from the houses in his village. But he was god and removed the evil from the world. So the good need not be perfect. It can be imperfect. We are also like that. Naughty but basically good.

Nayana analysed the story of Prahlad
Hiranyakahsyap wanted to kill his own son Prahlad as he wanted the entire kingdom to worship him and not any god, but Prahlad worshipped lord Vishnu. Holika, the king's sister was on Prahlad's side. She died while protecting Prahlad. Sometimes the good has to sacrifice itself to bring more of good to the world. Evil may look big, but it is actually very weak. It cannot take over the good. We worship Holika every year for being so good and brave, and then we play with colors to express our happiness.

Misha analysed the story of Diwali
Lord Rama killed Ravana and rescued goddess Sita from his captivity. That day is celebrated as Dashehra. Then they went back to Ayodhya. The day they reached, people of the kingdom decorated the entire kingdom, cleaned everywhere, wore nice dresses and prepared delicious food to welcome their king. That's what we do today too on Diwali. Ravana, no matter how strong and learned, is not worshipped for the wrong he did. The good may not be as strong as the bad and may have to take help of other good elements to bring the bad down.

Geordie analysed the story of Christmas
Most of the stories talk about Jesus Christ. He was born on 25th December and we celebrate that day as Christmas. He was very compassionate and had magical healing powers. He was crucified by the chief priests for being more popular amongst people. We mark that day as Good Friday. He was resurrected 3 days later and we celebrate the day as Easter. His faith in god, goodness and in humanity made people worship him as their Lord. Our faith and goodness can make everything possible

Abhiram analysed Ramayana
Whether you are a human or god, you can succeed in life if you work hard. The story teaches us a lot of things. We should be faithful like Hanuman to get the rewards we deserve. We should always be determined like Lord Rama. Good will always win over evil

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